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The Importance of Accompanying Adaptation of Children When Having to Transfer Schools

Like adults who are anxious when moving to work or moving to a new place, children will also feel the same anxiety when moving to a new school. Trying to take lessons in school is hard. Moreover, adjusting to the environment and new friends. Come on, Mother, help the little one. In contrast to children who are about to take a new level of education, children who have just changed schools in the middle of the school year will probably feel more anxious. The child may worry whether his classmates and teacher are fun? Can he still play as before? It is important to accompany the child at this time because this may be his first transfer experience that will determine how he will deal with the coming transition period.

Started Since the Period of School Transfer Preparation

Before a child's anxiety is more overwhelming than excitement or curiosity, it's a good idea for Mother to help prepare the child for the new environment. If possible, it is better if the child changes schools at the beginning of a new level of education such as grade 1 elementary school than when the learning process is already in progress. In the early days, all children were new students, so he was not the only new child. But take it easy, Bun. If he really has to move in the middle of the school year or when other children have already entered school, there are ways you can do to successfully adapt, including:
  • Before entering school

  • If you can, take the child during a school survey. Let him vote in the school he wants to attend. After getting to school, as much as possible Mother tried to introduce children to the teachers, especially the homeroom teacher later. This is done so that children recognize and feel more familiar with new faces that will accompany them later. In order to learn well, children need to feel connected and close to their teacher. Before the child enters school, Mother needs to talk about things that the teacher needs to know about the child, such as his character, things that are of interest, or what are his weaknesses. The collaboration between parents and teachers is important so that the pattern of child assistance can be in line. In addition, Mother can also provide children's books that tell about moving schools. Mother can prepare Little One to face the new environment by reading this book and starting a discussion.
  • After entering school

  • After entering school, Mother can invite children to actively participate in extracurricular activities that they like or other events such as classmates' birthday invitations. That way, he will more easily get new friends and be more able to adjust to the new atmosphere. In addition, even though she has not attended school for a long time, Mother should still give her access to connect with friends at her school first. That way he does not feel alone and cut off from his old world.
Don't forget, during this time, you need to make sure your child's needs for food and sleep are adequate. Children who are sleep deprived or hungry will be more irritable, afraid, and angry.

Give Support to Children

Mothers need to make children comfortable expressing their feelings from day to day, whether it's feeling happy or not like. Then just discuss what things need to be done to deal with those feelings. If Little is less open, then Mother can start by asking questions. For example "What extracurricular activities do you find interesting?" Or "Who are your friends who often play with you?" If your child tells that he already has a new friend, Mother can invite her new friends to play at home or play together on holidays. Of course by contacting his parents first. Another thing that is no less important is to train children to solve their own problems when adapting. For example, if he does not know about certain agendas or rules at school, ask him to ask his teacher himself. It was not Mother who asked this for her. But, of course this needs to be adjusted to the age and condition of the Little One. With proper assistance from Mother, it is hoped that children will be confident in undergoing a period of adaptation to the new environment. This experience can then be the provision of children entering the stage to come.
